Sell Packages Seamlessly

Increase sales with predetermined or dynamic packages. Follow easy. Price more competitively and offer convenient payment terms. Utilized by some of the world's leading hospitals chains.

Trusted by hundreds of companies worldwide

Left-Digit Pricing

Create the package you desire at a price that is "simple to sell." Simply change the final price to end in nines, for example, 2,999. The discount per item, taxes and division between service and product are all automatically calculated.

Increase Conversion Rates With Custom Packages.

Additionally, you can construct bespoke combinations of services and goods at the eleventh hour of Billing. Give the price you desire. For tracking purposes, a package is built automatically in the background. New packages can be allocated to a patient from the scheduler, EMR, or Billing.

Single Click Audit

See how many sessions have been completed and how many remain.

Don't Inquire, Just Tell

A front-desk employee cannot and should not remember which patients are on which plans. When they attempt to make a new appointment, the system automatically displays a list of the patient's ongoing packages for them to select from.

Update Package Sessions Without A Hassle

When an appointment is checked out, the packaged item associated with it is marked as complete. Package contents are automatically consumed. Also, you can also manually mark items as complete/incomplete.

Initiate Easy Instalments For Package Payment.

Make it fit the price of the package. For instance, you could spread the cost of an expensive package over a number of installments to make it more affordable for your patients.

Set A Discount Threshold For Package Purchases

If a transaction exceeds this threshold, it will be put on hold until authorized by the supervisor.

Online Package Access

Patients can check the status of their packages online.

Impose Cancellation Policy

If a package is canceled in the middle, you have the option of reclaiming discounts for completed sessions. You could also impose a one-time penalty.

Improve Usage With Auto-Scheduled Appointments

Just choose a staff and a date to begin. The different services that come with a package will set up automatically. The time between appointments is based on how often best practices say they should be kept for that service.

Automate Billing Rules

RULE 1: Only products can be billed, not services.

RULE 2: You can only sell services as part of a package.

RULE 3: A bill can only have one service. If it has more than one service, it's a custom package. Just create the rules and let the Tiva Health platform implement them seamlessly.

Why Choose Our Package Module

Single Click Solution
Change the pricing of the packages based on the clinic's geographical location. Seamlessly make a package available or unavailable from various clinics

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