Automated Engagement

We offer an active engagement platform for clinics to automate patient engagement.

Trusted by hundreds of companies worldwide

You are always in charge

You determine how much information you wish to offer through our Patient Portal. Select from Medical, Administrative, or Financial. You can narrow it down and go more particular, such as sharing bills, prescriptions, etc.

What it has for your patients?

Enable them

Patients can keep all of their health records in one location. It is accessible on the go, even from a mobile device.

Single account for the entire family

Under a single, secure login, patients may manage the health records of their entire family. There is no need to sign in and out to access sensitive data.

Payment gateway

Integration with payment gateways enables patients to pay online with a single click.

Enhance outcomes

With patients able to obtain copies of their prescriptions, pay overdue payments, and print ongoing packets, your clinic staff is liberated from dull redundant tasks. This provides more time and greater efficiency for enhancing healthcare results.

Superior patient experience

Simple, straightforward, and user-friendly. Stunning design, large buttons, simple navigation, device compatibility, one-click access to frequently used features, and much more.

Video Calls and Virtual Assistant

Offer your patients the convenience of consulting you, their trusted Practitioner, through the internet. Allow them to join video calls with a single click.

We Committed to your success


Automation recipes




Online Trainnig


Your Data

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Try it now, for free

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